Duration: 1 Year
Course Eligibility : 10th or 12th grade pass
The objective of this Certificate Programme is to create qualified technical staff acquiring prescribed techniques in the radio imaging technician which constitutes the routine screening procedures of Radio Imaging such as X-ray technician, Ultrasound technician, CT-Scanning and MRI. The basic principle on hand training and demonstration of techniques will be acquired with associated, Hospitals and diagnostic centres.
The curriculum of the 1-Year- certificate course in X-Ray technician provides aspirants with clinical as well as administrative skills and qualifications. The certificate course will also train the students in the methods of conducting different laboratory tests, X-Rays and other radiographic tests and many more tests with the technician of electromagnetic radiations.
This Program offers a lucrative career options for fresher’s after 10+2. This programme requires utmost concentration and skill and is a very demanding and noble profession. Aspirants seeking a boost start of their career and serve the mankind by choosing one of the highest paid and prestigious professions of the Healthcare sector may opt the programme. Pursuing a career path right after graduating from the Certificate programme is not the only choice for you. One of the common routes taken by graduates is to pursue higher education like B.Sc. in in Radiology after Certificate Course in X-Ray technician.